What We Do

Determining your rights after an accident is a job for the experienced attorneys at Rafi & Schmidt Law Group. Often times after an accident there’s too much information for a person to process, and we want you to focus on getting better. Automobile injury victims often need a lawyer’s assistance in finding a medical specialist or to arrange for a specialist that can wait for payment until the lawsuit is settled. Let us take care of you.

If you or a family member has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, call us at 623-388-4333 or Submit a Simple Case Contact Form Here.

If our office is too far for you to get to, call us so we can come to you!

Most people have slipped, or tripped and fallen in their life multiple times. Sometimes it’s our own fault due to lack of paying attention, or natural clumsiness. Other times, these accidents could have been prevented, in these situations the danger may not always be obvious. That’s when liability and fault comes into play, and you need an experienced attorney to assist you.

What’s a Slip and Fall?

A “slip and fall” commonly refers to a slip and resulting fall due to a hazardous or dangerous conditions on someone else’s property. Falls can occur from a variety of things, like puddles of liquid, poor lighting, faulty construction, or other causes. Slip and fall injuries can often be life threatening or altering, especially for the elderly and the young.

Business Responsibility

Business’s are generally expected to reduce the risk of tripping, falling, or slipping injuries. Things like pooling of liquids, unfinished and unmarked construction areas, poorly maintained common areas, and the like are all factors that business and/or property owners are expected to deal with to maintain a reasonably safe property. Warnings for dangerous areas, non slip finished to slick areas, or cleaning up liquids that have been sitting out a prolonged amount of time are responsibility any customer should fairly expect.

Seeking Compensation for Slip and Fall Injuries

When a breach of safety occurs on someone else’s property, the owner may be responsible for compensating the injured person for medical bills. If the injury is severe enough, compensation for loss of wages and loss of employability and other long-term care costs may also be recovered.

When a breach of safety occurs on someone else’s property, the injured party may have a right to be compensated for the injuries accrued as a result of the breach of safety. Depending on the injury, loss of wages from the inability to work, and other costs may also be recovered. An experienced legal team like the attorneys at Rafi & Schmidt can help get the best outcome possible for you and help evaluate your case.

The above mentioned sections are not exclusive to what we can do for you! If you think you were harmed and deserve compensation, call us. All it takes is one call or one click and we can be on the way to assisting you today!

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